Benefits of Pilates for Runners

Dr. Davis now a certified Pilates reformer instructor, and Oregon Running Clinic has a new piece of equipment, the Balanced Body Pilates Allegro 2 reformer, which is the most popular commercial grade reformer in the industry. Dr Davis will be using it both for treatment and rehab for running patients, but also for running performance and injury prevention training sessions with patients and clients.

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What is the Pilates Allegro 2 Reformer?

The Allegro 2 by Balanced Body is an intuitive, adjustable, and easy-to-use Reformer. It provides for smooth transitions, seamless flow, easy adjustments, and maximized comfort.

What Are the Benefits of Pilates for Runners?

Increased core strength. When all of the muscles in the torso are strong and balanced, your core acts as a stabilizer and a center for you to transfer forces through when you are running or doing other activities. Pilates enables you to not only better produce force during activities such as running, but it helps you better control and maximize the forces you produce while you are active.

Corrects postural imbalances, which helps reduce the risk of injury.  Since pilates encourages proper movement patterns and teaches correct posture, you are less likely to re-injure the same area or hurt something else through compensation. Additionally, pilates helps you identify your weaknesses that inhibit your gait. You learn muscular cues to help you fire and strengthen muscles that help you maintain a better running posture.

Improved endurance and speed. Pilates helps you loosen your hips, legs and back, all helping you keep a fluid, long stride. Also, it is important to keep your psoas (abdominal muscles that connect the spinal column to the femurs and assist in flexing and rotating the leg and flexing the trunk on the pelvis) in optimal condition by keeping them flexible as well as powerful.

Quicker and more comprehensive recovery. Pilates will decrease your recovery time after injury or a strenuous workout by increasing joint mobility, improving flexibility and body awareness. With a regular pilates routine, your muscles are in better condition, so you feel less fatigued, sore and tight after a long run.

Ready to Try Pilates for Runners?

At your next appointment with Oregon Running Clinic, let us kow you are interested in using our Pilates equipment to strengthen your core, improve your posture, and keep your body in optimal condition for running.

Charlotte Spangler