Response to COVID-19 from Oregon Running Clinic

To my valued patients and clients,

I want to let you know that my sincere empathy goes out to you, your friends, family, colleagues and our local, state, national and global community at this time with all the recent and future unfolding events related to the COVID-19 pandemic.  As runners, we are naturally a resilient group of individuals, and I know we will overcome this situation.  I know many of you were training for upcoming running events and some of the biggest races of your running career to date which have now been canceled or postponed.  This can really put a damper on one’s morale. 

I have been encouraged however with the stories I have heard from some of you, such as one runner who recently ran her first half marathon (The Shamrock Run). Though the run was canceled, she still ran the 13.1-mile distance on Sunday, albeit alone.  She was proud of her accomplishment running this distance for the first time ever. I am so proud of her and other runners for sticking with their goals during this time.

While following CDC and Oregon State health guidelines regarding COVID-19 is prudent and advised, it is encouraged to remain active as this helps individuals to stay healthy and keep immune systems strong.  As runners, we all know the multi-system benefits of running.  While group running is not encouraged at this time,  it is ok to get outside for fresh air, vitamin D from the sunshine and go on a run while maintaining social distancing guidelines.  (See RRCA guidelines.)

On a more administrative note,  the clinic office hours have temporarily been reduced to being open 11 am-6 pm.  As per the Oregon Physical Therapy association 3/19/20:

“There is no current directive that you should cease treating patients in your clinic. Exemptions are included for visits to healthcare providers and physical therapy is an essential medical service. Physical therapists should determine, on a case-by-case basis, if the care being provided warrants an in-person encounter and if such an encounter can be done in an environment that minimizes the potential risk of exposure to the COVID-19 virus.”

As patients’ injuries and pain cannot necessarily be “put on hold,” I will continue to be available in clinic to see patients that wish to be seen in person and continue with their plan of care, especially for those requiring manual therapy.  Universal and standard precautions are always used in clinic including hospital medical-grade virucidal disinfectant wipes, gloves, and all mat tables and equipment wiped down between each patient visit. For those concerned about in-person visits at this time and looking to increase social distancing, a HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform called Clocktree has been added as an option and is available to access here.

Please note, this option is available for current active caseload patients as follow up visits for disseminating information and progressing home exercises through MedBridge.  Telehealth for physical therapy is not covered by third party insurance and payers at this time, and therefore cannot be billed to insurance.  There may be amendments to this restriction soon as Medicare recently made a waiver to this due to the current situation. Third-party payers usually follow suit to what Medicare does.  (Click here and here to learn more about telehealth per Oregon State health laws). If you are a patient that goes through insurance for services, please contact your carrier directly to check if your specific plan provisions if this applies to or is of interest to you.  You may be able to be reimbursed. HSA snd FSA covers telehealth services for PT.  For self-pay patients,  there are no restrictions on using telehealth.  Remember telehealth visits have their place but also have their limitations in services provided, and are condensed 30-minute video sessions.

In closing,  I want to share with you a few of my favorite recipes to keep your immune system healthy and strong to keep you running.  Check out my favorite soup, smoothie and breakfast recipes here.

It’s time to get creative cooking in the kitchen! 

Happy Running!


Jen Davis

Charlotte Spangler