26 Reasons to Run

‘Tis the season for reflection and thankfulness! One thing I am always thankful for is my ability to run. Whether it’s a solo trek, a mountain run with my dog, or the chance to catch up with a friend while running, I am always grateful!

There are many reasons to be thankful for your ability to run - 26 in fact! If you ever need some motivation to lace up your running shoes, here are 26 benefits to running:

  1. Delays Alzheimer & Parkinson’s disease

  2. Improves mood and cognition

  3. Improves sleep

  4. Lessens risk and severity of strokes

  5. Decreases stress

  6. Improves muscle strength

  7. Protects against atherosclerosis

  8. Increases energy levels and endurance

  9. Improves function in heart failure

  10. Improves digestion

  11. Counters diabetes

  12. Limits obesity

  13. Lowers incidents of breast and colon cancer

  14. Improves fertility

  15. Improves lipid profiles

  16. Prevents hypertension

  17. Strengthens immune system

  18. Slows muscle atrophy and prevents sarcopenia

  19. Maintains bone density and decreases osteoporosis risk

  20. Best current therapy for Peripheral Artery Disease

  21. Prevents fall in elderly

  22. Maintains joint ability

  23. Improves circulation

  24. Delays aging

  25. Improves the health of offspring

  26. Improves self-esteem

What are your reasons for running? Does it bring you joy? Give you a chance to connect with friends? Get you off the couch and outside in the fresh air?

Whatever your reason, the ability to run injury-free is something to be grateful for. As always, if you’re struggling with injury or having difficulty running, Oregon Running Clinic can help.

Jen Davis